New Agra Cantonment Board Solid Waste Management Bye-laws, 2024

On July 22, 2024, The Ministry of Defence released the Draft Agra Cantonment Board Solid Waste Management Bye-laws, 2024. These new regulations aim to enhance waste management practices in the Agra Cantonment area.

Key Provisions of the Draft Bye-laws:

  1. Segregation and Primary Storage (Chapter II):
    • Responsibility of Waste Generators: All residents and businesses are required to separate their solid waste into three categories:
      • Non-biodegradable or Dry Waste
      • Biodegradable or Wet Waste
      • Domestic Hazardous Waste
    • Storage and Collection: Waste must be stored in covered bins and handed over to designated waste collectors as directed by the Board. This aims to improve waste management efficiency and ensure proper disposal.
  2. Solid Waste Collection (Chapter III):
    • Door-to-Door Collection: The bye-laws mandate daily door-to-door collection of segregated waste from every household, including slums and informal settlements. The goal is to integrate informal collection systems with the Board’s official collection system to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  3. Disposal of Solid Waste (Chapter VII):
    • Sanitary Landfill Operations: The Board will either directly manage or contract out the construction, operation, and maintenance of sanitary landfills. This infrastructure will handle residual waste, inert street sweepings, and silt from surface drains, ensuring proper waste disposal.
  4. User Fee and Penalty (Chapter VIII):
    • User Fees: A fee will be levied for garbage collection, transportation, and disposal services. The exact amount and details will be outlined by the Board.
    • Penalties: Non-compliance with these bye-laws will result in penalties as specified in Schedule II of the document. This aims to ensure adherence to the new waste management practices.

The Draft Agra Cantonment Board Solid Waste Management Bye-laws, 2024, represent a significant step toward improving waste management in the area. By focusing on waste segregation, efficient collection, and proper disposal, these regulations aim to foster a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

Public Consultation:

The draft bye-laws are open for public review and feedback until August 22, 2024. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to submit their objections or suggestions to the Chief Executive Officer of the Agra Cantonment Board.