New Accessibility Rules for Banks to Benefit Persons with Disabilities

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has notified the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2024 pertaining to the banking sector. These amendments have come into effect from July 2, 2024.

These amendments aim to improve accessibility in the banking sector for people with disabilities. The new rules incorporate accessibility standards and guidelines previously notified by the Department of Financial Services by a notification dated February 2, 2024.

The accessibility standards and guidelines broadly cover the following aspects:

  1. Accessibility Standards for Physical Infrastructure
    • Information or Service Counters
      • Tactile Guidance Paths and Handrails
      • External Ramps
      • Handrails and Grab Bars
      • Accessibility to Branch Premises
    • Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) Bulk Note Accepters (BNAs), Cheque Deposit Machines, Cash Deposit Machines, Passbook Printing Machines, Coin Vending Machines and self-service machines/ kiosks deployed by Banks
      • Accessibility provisions for Bank ATMs
      • Features of ATM Machines
      • Point of Sale (POS) Machines
    • Issuance of Credit Cards /Debit Cards to Visually Impaired Persons
  2. Information and Communication Technology
    • Accessibility of Website for Visually Impaired
    • Accessible Communication
    • Accessibility for Digital Documents
  3. Training and Awareness and
  4. Other Steps to Facilitate Banking Services to Persons with Disabilities

These accessibility standards and guidelines will apply to all banks in India.

The standards seek to improve accessibility features in banks, through ramps, braille signage, and assistive technology. Ultimately, they aim to create an enhanced banking experience for individuals with disabilities. This amendment is a step towards fostering greater financial inclusion for people with disabilities in India.