NCT Delhi issues guidelines for childcare institutions with regard to COVID-19

NCT Delhi vide an order dated 13.04.2021, issues various guidelines to combat outbreak ad and contain spread of COVID-19 in Child Care Institutions. The following are the guidelines:

  • The children should be taught to regularly wash their hands. Standard drill of washing hands before and after every mean has to be supervised.
  • They should be taught to cover their nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing.
  • In case any child is showing COVID-19 symptoms, a doctor must be consulted immediately and that child should be segregated from the other children.
  • The Superintendent/ Person In- Charge of CCIs are directed to create reception units as per provisions of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Model Rules, 2016.
  • New admission children should be placed in these reception units for 14 days of quarantine period.
  • In case any child is found COVID positive, the Superintendent/ Home-In-Charges/ Person-In-Charges are directed to co-ordinate with COVID Care Centers designated by Government of NCT Delhi for further care and treatment.