NCT Delhi further amends the Delhi Excise Rules, 2010

NCT Delhi through a notification dated 25.05.2021, further amends the Delhi Excise Rules, 2010 in exercise of the powers conferred by the Delhi Excise Act, 2009. The amended rules are to be called the Delhi Excise (Amendment) Rules, 2021. The major amendments include:

  1. The Rule that provided conditions for grant of license for consumption of liquor on the premises has been omitted.
  2. A new class of permit has been inserted that includes Permit for service of Indian Liquor and Foreign Liquor at Banquet Halls, Party places, Farm Houses, Wedding/party/event venues.
  3. A new proviso has been added to the Rule providing conditions for granting license. It states that the Deputy Commissioner can impose such additional conditions regarding eligibility of licensees for grant of licenses with the prior approval of the Government.
  4. The bar on giving concession, rebate, or discount on the sale price of liquor or giving liquor as a gift, has been omitted.