NCAHP Reiterates It’s Exclusive Jurisdiction over Healthcare Standards

In accordance with the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021, the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions (NCAHP) was established effective from January 8th, 2024. The NCAHP has issued a notice on the drafting of health standards dated March 13, 2024.

This announcement is directed towards all institutions, organizations, service providers, professionals, hospitals, clinics, and the general public across India. The Act delineates the list of professions falling under the purview of the Commission, which can be accessed on the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website for reference.

The NCAHP is currently in the process of constituting various special committees tasked with drafting the Minimum Standards of “Registration Norms,” “Practice Norms,” “Institution Standards and Guidelines,” “Professional Status,” “Clinical Establishment Norms,” and “Professional Ethics” for all professions covered under the Act.

It is imperative to note that all decisions regarding the aforementioned standards and regulations will be made exclusively by the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions (NCAHP). Any notifications or decisions circulated by other committees without the concurrence or consent of the NCAHP regarding registration norms, practice norms, institution standards and guidelines, professional status, clinical establishment norms, and professional ethics will not be binding on the professions covered under the Act. This development underscores the commitment to regulating and standardizing allied and healthcare professions, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, optometry, physician associates, nutrition scientists, and others, to ensure quality and ethical practices across the healthcare sector.