National Medical Commission (NMC) has decided that thursday (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) of every week is designated as redressal/public hearing time

National Medical Commission vide public notice dated 1st September, 2023, with a view to addressing grievances and giving a hearing in the matters related to National Medical Commission (NMC) has decided that Thursday (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) of every week is designated as redressal/public hearing time for grievances/suggestion/query resolution.

The first of such hearing shall be held on Thursday, September 7,2023.

Secretary NMC, with officials from all divisions, shall be hearing all the aggrieved representatives/ person/candidates etc. during this time. Those who wish to present their grievance in person may send brief details of their grievance at least 2 days in advance by email to grievance cell in Upon receipt of confirmation of the date, applicant can schedule a physical visit. A maximum of 2 individuals for each matter may please remain present at the assigned date.