Ministry of Women and Child Development on 22nd December 2021 has highlighted the National Creche Scheme for Children of Working Mothers which was launched in 2017 to provide day care facilities to children (age group of 6 months to 6 years) of working mothers.

The Scheme provides an integrated package of the following services:

  1. Day care facilities including sleeping facilities.
  2. Early stimulation for children below 3 years and pre-school education for 3 to 6 years old children
  3. Supplementary nutrition (to be locally sourced)
  4. Growth monitoring
  5. Health check-up and immunization  

As per the guidelines of the National Creche Scheme for Children of Working Mothers. States and UTs are required to analyse the requirement of creche services at the district level through survey and mapping of the existing creches. Further, baseline surveys are also conducted by State Governments to ascertain the requirement, willingness of working mothers and children for this purpose.

The norms for registration, establishment and maintenance of the creches including in matters of hygiene, first-aid breastfeeding and nutrition, have been stipulated under the scheme guidelines.


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