Nagaland Government issued Draft Nagaland Child and Adolescent Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Rules, 2024

The Government of Nagaland’s Labour Department issued a notification on 13th February, 2024, regarding the proposed Draft Rules under the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. 

The Act covers various aspects related to the prohibition and regulation of child and adolescent labor, including definitions of key terms, awareness measures, conditions under which a child can help in family enterprises, regulations for allowing children to work as artists, limitations on hours of work for adolescents, maintenance of registers by employers, and the establishment of a Child and Adolescent Labour Rehabilitation Fund. Additionally, the Act addresses the certificate of age, filing complaints, compounding of offenses, duties of Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate, duties of Inspectors, and periodical inspection and monitoring.

The Act emphasizes the importance of public awareness campaigns to discourage the employment of children and adolescents in contravention of the Act. It also highlights the conditions under which a child can help in family enterprises without affecting their education, as well as the regulations for allowing children to work as artists, ensuring their safety, security, and education. Furthermore, the Act specifies the limitations on the hours of work for adolescents, the maintenance of registers by employers, and the establishment of a Child and Adolescent Labour Rehabilitation Fund for the benefit of children and adolescents.

Moreover, the Act outlines the procedures for obtaining a certificate of age, filing complaints, compounding offenses, and the duties of various authorities such as Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate, Inspectors, and the establishment of a system for monitoring and inspection of child labor-related activities. It also includes specific forms for maintaining registers, issuing certificates of age, and undertaking for the involvement of children in audio-visual media production or commercial events. 

The following Draft Rules are published for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and the notice is hereby given that the said draft will be taken into consideration by the State Government on or after the expiry of thirty days from the date of publication of this notification in the Nagaland Government Gazette.

Any objection or suggestion which may be received by the Labour Commissioner, Nagaland, Kohima or an email from any person with respect of the said draft before the expiry so specified above will be considered by the State Government.


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