MoHFW appoints 25th January 2022 as the date on which the provisions of Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) ACT , 2021 shall come into force.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 20th January 2022, has notified 25th January 2022 as the date on which the provisions of provisions of Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) ACT , 2021  shall come into force.

The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021 is for regulating and supervising the assisted reproductive technology clinics and the assisted reproductive technology banks, and prevention of misuse.

Under the Act, every assisted reproductive technology (ART) clinic and bank must be registered under the National Registry of Banks and Clinics of India. The Registry is meant to act as a central database for all facilities providing ART services in India, with state governments appointing relevant authorities in their respective states to facilitate the registration process.