MoEF&CC Issues Draft Liquid Waste Management Rules 2024

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on October 7th 2024 notified the Draft Liquid Waste Management Rules 2024.

 Applicability: The rules apply to both urban and rural local bodies, as well as all public authorities involved in wastewater management.

Scope: This includes:

  • Wastewater generation and management entities (government, private, or PPP).
  • Special areas like industrial zones, SEZs, and food parks.
  • Locations under Indian Railways (stations, tracks, adjacent lands).
  • Airports, ports, and defence establishments.
  • Religious and historical sites.
  • Landowners and various waste generators (domestic, commercial, institutional).

Waste Types: The focus is on wastewater, sludge from treatment facilities, and faecal sludge.

The Rules include the following important chapters:

  • Chapter II: Environmentally sound management of wastewater including its reuse
  • Chapter III: Environmentally sound management of faecal sludge
  • Chapter IV: Treatment and reuse of wastewater by industry
  • Chapter V: General Obligations for sludge/ faecal sludge handling entities including
  • wastewater treatment facilities, ETPs, CETPs, faecal sludge treatment facilities.
  • Chapter VI: Implementation framework
  • Chapter VII: Role and Responsibilities

SCHEDULE 1 : Highlights the timelines for compliance

SCHEDULE-II : List of industries identified for reuse of wastewater

  • Thermal Power plants
  • (ii) Pulp and Paper
  • (iii)Textile Industry
  • (iv) Iron and Steel industry


Form 1(A): [Application to be submitted by bulk user of water]

Form 1(B): [Format for grant of registration to user by State Pollution Control Board]

Form 1 (C): [Format for submission of Extended User Responsibility plan by the bulk user]

Form 2(A): [Application to be submitted by owner of liquid waste treatment facility for grant of registration/renewal of registration]

Form 2(B):  [Format for grant of registration/renewal of registration to owner of liquid waste treatment facility by State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control Committees]

Form 3 [Annual returns to be submitted by bulk user by 30th day of June of the following financial year]

Form 4 [Quarterly return to be submitted by liquid waste treatment facility to State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control Committees by end of the month succeeding the end of the quarter]

Form 5 [Form of appeal]


Objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification, if any may be addressed, by December 6th 2024, to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, New Delhi- 110 003

 Electronically at E-mail addressed:

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1st 2025