MoEFC notifies Draft Building Construction Environment Management Regulations, 2022.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 25th February 2022, has notified the Draft Building Construction Environment Management Regulations, 2022 and has invited objections or suggestions from the public which shall be addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110 003, or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at: – or

The regulation shall be applicable to projects involving construction of buildings, having built up area ≥ 5000 sq.mts. and to new building projects and expansion/renovation/repair of old /existing buildings.

These Regulations do not substitute approvals/consent/permissions etc., required to be obtained under any other Act/Rule/regulation/bye-laws/notification etc. The Project Authority shall continue to be under obligation to obtain approvals/clearances under any other Acts/ Regulations or Statutes of the Central or State Govt. or their designated agencies/Development Authority/Local Bodies as applicable to the project including in respect of site location for parameters such as low lying area, natural drainage, and for environment sensitivity i.e. proximity/within Eco Sensitive Area, Zonal Master Plan/Wildlife Sanctuary/National Park, Coastal Regulation Zone areas, Biosphere Reserves and Critically Polluted Area, hill areas, disaster prone areas.

Project Authority shall mean, an entity, by whatever name called, responsible for construction, management, maintenance of the project including the Resident Welfare Association to whom the project has been entrusted for maintenance & upkeep during operational phase.

The project authority shall ensure that the following Environmental regulations are complied with during construction and operational phases of the project:

  • Topography & Natural Drainage.
  • Adoption of Water Conservation methods by employing Rain Water Harvesting/Ground Water Recharge
  • Management of sewage/waste water, Reuse and recycle of treated wastewater by dual plumbing system
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Green Cover.
  • Management of Dust/Air and Noise Pollution during Construction phase.
  • Power Supply &Use of DG Sets.
  • Issuance of Occupancy or Possession Certificate or Handing over possession, etc.

The project proponent shall submit Performance Data and Certificate of Compliance of the project for the environmental regulations and the parameters applicable, every year during the period of construction and every two years during operational phase (5 years in case the building has been certified as Green building ) to the Government with special focus on the following parameters:-

(a) Water use and waste water generated, treated and reused on site.

(b) Waste Segregated and Treated on site.

 (c) Tree plantation and maintenance

(d) Ground Water Recharge & Rain Water Harvesting.