MNRE notifies Production Linked Incentive Scheme under National Programme on high efficiency solar PV modules.

The Ministry of New & Renewable energy on 30th September 2022, notified the Production Linked Incentive Scheme under National Programme on high efficiency solar PV modules for achieving manufacturing capacity of Giga watt (GW) scale in High Efficiency Solar PV modules.

The objective of the scheme is to build up solar PV manufacturing capacity of high efficiency modules and to bring cutting-edge technology to India for manufacturing high efficiency modules. The scheme will be technology agnostic in that it will allow all technologies.

The beneficiaries of the PLI scheme will be selected through a transparent selection process. The bidder manufacturer can be a single company or a joint venture/consortium of more than on company. However in case of JV/consortium, a partner/company will be allowed to tie up their manufacturing capacity with anther partner/company for one bid only.

In order to qualify for the bid, the applicant manufacturer will have to undertake to set up a manufacturing plant of minimum 1,000 MW capacity. The maximum capacity that can be bid for i.e. the manufacturing capacity that a bidder will set up will be 10GW.