The Ministry of Road Transport vide its notification dated 16th March 2022 has published the Draft Inter-Country Non-Transport Vehicle Rules, 2022 and has invited Objections and suggestions from the public which shall be addressed to the Joint Secretary (MVL, Transport & Toll), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001 or on the email: within 30 days.
As per the rules, a non-transport vehicle registered in the other country, when entering India, shall be so constructed and maintained as to be at all times under the effective control of the person driving it.
The following documents shall be carried in the vehicle(s) operating under Inter-Country Non-Transport Vehicle Rules during the duration of stay in the host country, namely:–
(i) A valid registration certificate
(ii) A valid driving license or international driving permit, whichever is applicable;
(iii) A valid insurance policy;
(iv) A valid pollution under control certificate (if applicable in the origin country);
Further the motor vehicles registered in any country other than India shall not be permitted to transport local passengers and goods within the territory of India.