Ministry of Power issues directions to all Gencos including Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for timely Import of Coal for blending purposes.

The Ministry of Power on 18th May 2022, has issued directions to all  Gencos that if the orders for import of coal for blending are not placed by Gencos by 31st May 2022 and if the imported coal for blending purpose do not start arriving at the power plants by 15th June 2022, all the defaulter Gencos would have to import coal for blending purpose to the extent of 15% (in order to meet shortfall of imported coal for blending purpose in Quarter1 i.e. Apr-June 2022) in the remaining period upto 31.10.2022. 

Further if the blending with domestic coal is not started by 15th June 2022 then the domestic allocation of the concerned defaulter thermal power plants will be further reduced by 5%. Accordingly, revised allocation of domestic coal for the month of July, 2022 onwards will be conveyed based on the above methodology. All Gencos have been advised to  ensure adequate stocks at their power plants for smooth operation until Oct,2022.

The ministry has directed that the imported coal based plants should run and the State should import coal for blending, as in the previous years.