The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways on 11th May 2022 has finalized the guidelines for dealing with Stressed Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects at the Major Ports. These Guidelines will facilitate for early resolution of various issues and revival of stressed projects along with unlocking the immense potential of those projects resulting in creation of more trade and job opportunities.
These guidelines will pave the way for resolution of the cases under arbitration. The port asset is likely to be put to use through re-bidding. This will definitely result in unlocking the blocked cargo handling capacity of approximately 27 MTPA thereby creating better trade opportunities for the prospective investors and Port Authority will start generating revenue.
Some of the long standing disputes on stressed assets at various major ports that may see early resolution include: development of 13th multipurpose cargo berth on BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) basis at Deendayal Port, development of 15th multipurpose cargo berth at Kandla at Deendayal Port and Offshore Container Terminal (OCT) at Mumbai port, among others.