Government of Assam releases list of minimum wages to employees/workers in various categories like Employment in Bakery, Breweries and Distillery, Black Smith, Biscuit Manufacturing, Film (Production, Distribution and Exhibition) Industry, Canteen & Clubbing, Cooperative consumer societies, Petrol Pump workers, Private Hospital workers and much more. This Notification was released on the date of 05.12.2023.
Government of Assam has categorized payment of wages in 4 main categories such as Unskilled workers, Semiskilled/Unskilled Supervisory, Skilled Workers/Clerical Workers and Highly Skilled Workers. The wages for employees are given on these for categories. Wages for employees are classified into 5 main categories such as Wage per day, Wages per month, Previous VDAs cumulated, New VDA per month and Gross wages per month.