The Minimum Wages shall be uniform across all three Districts namely South Andaman, North & Middle Andaman and Nicobar District. The rates of minimum wages shall be in four categories of employees such as Unskilled employee (628) minimum wage per day, Semi-Skilled / Un-Skilled Supervisory (709) minimum wage per day, Skilled/ Clerical (832) minimum wage per day, Highly Skilled (915) minimum wage per day. This Notification was published on the date of 27.12.2023.
The Minimum Wages shall also be uniform across six schedules of employment namely: Shops, Commercial Establishments, Residential Hotels, Lodging Houses, Restaurants, Eating Houses, Theaters and places of Public Amusements or Entertainment, Wood-based Industries, Educational Institutes / Schools / Nurseries / Kinder Gartens / Tutorials / Coaching Institutes in the Private Sector other than the CBSE Affiliated Institutions. Agriculture, Construction or maintenance of Roads or in the Building Operations or Stone Breaking or Stone Crushing, Loading and Unloading. And shall be applicable to DRMs engaged by various Govt. Departments under A & N Administration. The Minimum Wages shall include the wages for a weekly day of rest, in order to arrive at the monthly wages, the daily wages shall be multiplied by 26 days. Where work of a similar nature is performed by women, no distinction in the payment of wages shall be made between men & women workers. Wherever the existing wages of an employee are higher than the minimum wages fixed therein, the same shall be continued to be paid. The Minimum Wages shall be revised taking into account Variable Dearness Allowance twice in year in the months of January and July. Variable Dearness Allowance will be payable or deductible @ Rs. 1.00 per point rise or fall in the Average All India Consumer Price Index for a period of six months i.e. October to March under Order to be issued in July every year and for the period April to September under Order to be issued in January. The VDA shall be calculated as per the All India Consumer Price Index (Base Year 2016=100).