MHA allows NBFCs, co-operative credit societies to operate with minimum staffs from 20th April

Ministry of Home Affairs vide its order dated 16th April 2020 has made an update on services that will be allowed to function amid the nationwide lockdown that has been extended till 3rd May.

The order has permitted Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), including housing finance companies (HFCs), Micro-Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) as well as Cooperative Credit Societies from the financial sector to be operational during the extended lockdown period, with minimal personnel.

Activities related to agriculture and horticulture, including procuring, harvesting and processing of Minor Forest Produce/Non-Timber Forest Produce by scheduled tribes and other forest dwellers in forest areas are now permitted.

Besides this, the fresh order grants permission to construction activities in rural areas related to water supply and sanitation, setting up of power transmission lines and placing telecom optical fibre and cable lines.

Click here to read the Notification.