MARB Releases Application Process for Academic Year 2024-2025

In line with the guidelines set forth by the Medical Assessment & Rating Board (MARB) for the Academic Year (A.Y.) 2024-2025, the MARB has announced the finalization of the Application Process. This public notice was issued on March 6, 2024. It aims to streamline the process for institutions offering medical education.

The MARB has prepared detailed guidelines for application processes for:

  1. New PG/SS Medical Courses
  2. Increase of Seats in PG/SS Medical Courses

These documents have been meticulously crafted to provide clarity and transparency in the application process for stakeholders and the general public alike.

Institutions offering medical courses, both new and existing, can now access the detailed application procedures to initiate or expand their postgraduate and super-specialty medical programs.

By ensuring that the application process is well-defined and accessible, MARB aims to facilitate the growth and development of medical education in the country while upholding standards of excellence and quality.


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