Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Introduces Amnesty Scheme for Penal Fees

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board through a circular on 27th February, 2024 introduced an Amnesty Scheme for Penal Fees for industries violating the Combined Consent Regime prescribed under the Air and Water Acts. The scheme aims to encourage industries to regularize their activities and for effective monitoring by offering a waiver on penal fees for violations such as delay in applying for consent, operating without consent, and other related infractions. 

The Amnesty Scheme categorizes violations based on the type of industry and the number of years of non-compliance, offering different penalty relief for Red, Orange, and Green category industries. The scheme also outlines the calculation method for penal charges, specifying that it will not apply to units or industries that have already paid the penalty. The application period for the Amnesty Scheme is limited to three months, and all applications must be submitted online within that timeframe. The scheme emphasizes the necessity of paying the penal fees within the specified period and states that it will not be extended beyond the designated three months.

Furthermore, the circular highlights the requirement for industry applicants to pay the penal fees at once, and applications already pending with the Board will be considered provided they adhere to the Amnesty Scheme’s payment conditions within the specified period. 

The Amnesty Scheme is set to be in effect for three months, after which the previous penal fees circular will automatically come into force. The circular stresses the implementation of the Amnesty Scheme by all officers of the Board and emphasizes the need for strict adherence to the circular’s guidelines. 


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