Low Melt Polyester Yarn Exempted From Polyester Yarn Quality Control Order

The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has issued an amendment to the Polyester Continuous Filament Fully Drawn Yarn (Quality Control) Order, 2023. This amendment exempts “Low Melt Polyester Yarn” from the purview of the order.

The original order, issued on July 17, 2023, mandated all manufacturers of polyester continuous filament fully drawn yarn to comply with the Indian Standard (IS 17261:2022) and obtain a BIS standard mark.

This ensured yarn quality and protected consumers.

New Amendment

The amendment, effective immediately, clarifies that “Low Melt Polyester Yarn” is not subject to the quality control order.

Manufacturers of low melt polyester yarn will no longer need to obtain BIS certification, potentially streamlining their production processes.

This amendment provides flexibility for manufacturers of low melt polyester yarn while maintaining quality control for standard polyester fully drawn yarn used in various applications.