Kerala Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions (Draft) Rules, 2021.

The State Government of Kerala vide its notification dated 15th December 2021 has published the Kerala Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions (Draft) Rules, 2021 and has invited Objections and suggestions from the public which shall be addressed to the Secretary to Government, Labour and Skills (D) Department, Government Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 001 within forty five days.

Key Highlights from the Rules.

  • Every employer of a factory which engaged in handling of hazardous substances, hazardous process and carrying out dangerous operations shall be medically examined annually by Factory Medical Officer. The medical examination shall be conducted by a Medical Officer as per the proforma in Form IV.
  • The employer seeking registration shall apply electronically in Form I on the portal. The Form I shall be signed digitally or in any other manner as may be required on the portal. The applicant shall pay the fee and the late fee, if any, along with the application electronically.
  • The certificate of registration shall be non-transferable and a copy of the certificate of registration shall be displayed in the premises of the establishment at the conspicuous place.
  • The employer of every establishment being factory or relating to contract labour or building or other construction works shall within thirty days of the commencement or cessation of operation or completion of any work submit to the registering officer and Inspector cum Facilitator in Form III, electronically and the notice of cessation of operation shall be enclosed with a certificate that the payment of all dues to the workers employed in the establishment have been made and the premises are kept free from storage of hazardous chemicals and substances.
  • Where at any place in an establishment, an accident occurs which results in bodily injury by reason of which the person injured is prevented from working for a period of forty eight hours or more immediately following the accident, the employer or any person authorized by him in this behalf shall forthwith send a notice in Form VII electronically to the Inspector-cum facilitator, Chief Inspector-cum Facilitator within twenty four hours after the completion of such forty eight hours of such accident, electronically to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator
  • If an employee comes to know that of any unsafe or unhealthy condition in the establishment, he shall report to the employer, or health and safety representative or safety officer as soon as practicable, in Form VIII electronically.
  • No worker shall be required or allowed to work in an establishment for more than eight hours in any day or forty eight hours in any week.