On December 28, 2024, the Forest and Wildlife (E) Department of Kerala issued a notification regarding the imposition of strict restrictions on tree cutting in the area specified in the Schedule in the notification. It stated that no trees shall be cut, uprooted, burnt within the state.
Key Details:
Prohibition on Tree Cutting:
Under the Kerala Preservation of Trees Act, 1986, the Kerala Government has prohibited the cutting, uprooting, burning, or destruction of trees in specified areas. This measure aims to protect the state’s natural environment and biodiversity.
Exceptions to the restriction are allowed only in the following cases:
- If the tree poses a danger to life or property.
- If the tree is dead, diseased, or wind-fallen.
The new restrictions reflect the Kerala Government’s ongoing commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable management of the state’s natural resources. The exceptions allow for the removal of hazardous or damaged trees while maintaining the overall protection of tree cover.