Mukhtala Block Panchayat has demonstrated remarkable progress in the realm of entrepreneurship. In the fiscal year 2023-24, 698 enterprises were newly established in Mukhtala Block Panchayat. A capital investment of 27.35 crore rupees and the creation of 1213 job opportunities were made possible as part of Entrepreneurship Year 2.0. Trikovilvattam Panchayat led the way with 171 new ventures, while Mayanad (153), Nedumbana (140), Kotankara (125), and Ilampallur (109) also initiated new ventures, collectively achieving a growth rate of 104.18 percent. Under the guidance of the District Industrial Center and the Mukhtala Block Panchayat, various initiatives are being implemented to foster new entrepreneurs. Assistance centers have been established to facilitate access to necessary loans, licenses, subsidies, etc., for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Tea Board Announces Start Dates for 2025 Tea Plucking and Manufacturing
The Tea Board of India has announced dates for the commencement of tea plucking and manufacturing for the 2025 season across several key tea-producing regions.