Karnataka Cine and Cultural Activists (Welfare) Bill, 2024: A Milestone for Artists

On July 19th 2024 a new Bill was introduced in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly seeking to promote the welfare of and provide social security to cine and cultural activists in the state. The new Bill introduced is the Karnataka Cine and Cultural Activists (Welfare) Bill, 2024,

Understanding the Definition

Under this Bill, a “cine and cultural activist” encompasses a wide range of roles. It includes artists such as actors, musicians, and dancers, along with skilled, unskilled, and manual workers involved in cinema-related activities. The definition is deliberately broad, allowing for the inclusion of various roles that contribute to the vibrant cultural landscape of Karnataka. Furthermore, the government retains the authority to notify additional categories of workers as needed.

Key Provisions of the Bill

1. Establishment of a Welfare Board

One of the cornerstone features of the Bill is the establishment of a Welfare Board. This Board will be responsible for formulating social security schemes specifically tailored for cine and cultural activists. Its duties will also include:

  • Ensuring Registration: All activists will need to register with the Board, a process aimed at creating a structured framework for support.
  • Monitoring Compliance: The Board will implement a monitoring mechanism to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act.

2. Registration Process

Under Section 7, all cine and cultural activists are required to register with the Board. The registration will be valid for a period of three years, with the responsibility on activists to renew it within three months of expiry. This registration process is crucial for maintaining a comprehensive database that captures the details of activists and their employment status.

3. Introduction of Welfare Cess

To fund these welfare initiatives, Section 9 proposes a welfare cess of 1-2% on cinema ticket sales, subscription fees, and other revenue streams from related establishments such as standalone theatres, multiplexes, OTT platforms, and television channels. The collected funds will contribute to a dedicated welfare fund, enhancing the sustainability of the support programs.

4. Rights of Registered Activists

The Bill emphasizes the empowerment of cine and cultural activists. Section 10 grants them the right to participate in decisions affecting their welfare, allowing for representation in the Welfare Board. This ensures that their voices are heard and that their specific needs are addressed in policy formulation.

5. Responsibilities of Employers

Section 11 outlines the duties of employers concerning the welfare cess. They are required to deposit the cess by the 10th day of each calendar month and submit half-yearly returns through a designated portal. This provision aims to ensure transparency and accountability in financial dealings.

6. Grievance Redressal Mechanism

A crucial aspect of the Bill is its focus on grievance redressal. Section 12 allows activists to file petitions regarding entitlements, payments, and other benefits under the Act. If an activist is unsatisfied with the decision made by the designated officer, they can appeal to an Appellate Authority within 90 days. This mechanism provides a structured approach to addressing concerns and disputes.

7. Penalties for Non-Compliance

To ensure adherence to the Act, the Bill includes provisions for penalties. Non-compliance with the Act’s provisions or related rules can result in fines ranging from Rs. 10,000 for the first offense to up to Rs. 1 lakh for subsequent violations. This aims to enforce accountability among employers and ensure the effective implementation of the welfare measures.

Additional Provisions

The Bill also includes provisions for:

  • Submission of Annual Reports: The Welfare Board is required to submit annual reports to track progress and accountability.
  • Compounding of Offenses: Mechanisms for compounding offenses are established, further promoting compliance and adherence to the law.


The Karnataka Cine and Cultural Activists (Welfare) Bill, 2024, represents a landmark effort to uplift and support the diverse community of cine and cultural workers in the state. By establishing a formal framework for registration, welfare support, and grievance redressal, the Bill not only recognizes the contributions of these activists but also empowers them with rights and protections.