In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, the Vigilance Committee of Purakkad Gram Panchayat, in collaboration with Kudumbashree CDS and Ambalapuzha Taluk Legal Services Committee, orchestrated a legal awareness session centered around the theme ‘Women and Laws’. The event, held at Purakkad Panchayat Hall, was inaugurated by the Panchayat President, with the Welfare Standing Committee Chairperson presiding over the proceedings. Advocacy was led by Adv. Jeanu Abraham, imparting insightful knowledge on legal matters. The event witnessed the participation of the Development Affairs Standing Committee Chairman and other dignitaries. This Notification was published on 07.03.2024.
Taxonomy for Green Steel for India
“Green Steel” shall be defined in terms of percentage greenness of the steel which is produced from the steel plant with CO2 equivalent emission intensity