Infrastructure Boost: Telangana’s Shift from Rented to Owned Anganwadi Spaces

The Chief Minister of Telangana has issued directives to officials to enforce stringent measures ensuring proper nutritious food for pregnant women and infants at Anganwadi centers. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) highlighted the concerning prevalence of malnutrition and anemia among pregnant women, infants, and children. Addressing the decline in health standards, the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of monitoring food distribution to beneficiaries and preventing misuse by maintaining accurate records. To enhance accountability, biometric systems will be installed in all 35,000 Anganwadi centers across the state, alongside the installation of CCTV cameras. This Notification was published on 02.03.2024.

Recognizing the shortfall of Anganwadi centers within Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) limits, discussions centered on the concept of mobile Anganwadi units, drawing inspiration from practices in other states. Additionally, initiatives such as biannual festivals and awareness campaigns aim to extend welfare schemes to those in need. Highlighting menstrual hygiene, the CM advocated for education and distribution of sanitary napkins, with plans to establish manufacturing units through women’s self-help groups. With many Anganwadi centers operating in rented premises, proposals are underway to construct dedicated facilities prioritized under the Employment Guarantee Scheme. The CM stressed the importance of unique branding and appealing designs for Anganwadi centers, intending to promote mother and child welfare through aesthetic enhancements. Exploring the potential for pre-primary education in Anganwadi centers may further bolster early childhood development if deemed viable. Furthermore, the CM mandated immediate implementation of reservation policies for the differently-abled, encompassing education, employment, and welfare schemes. Collaboration with corporate entities aims to expand facilities for the elderly, while plans to extend medical services to transgender individuals beyond designated hospitals signify a commitment to inclusive healthcare policies. A forthcoming policy will ensure equitable access to government schemes, fostering equal opportunities for all citizens.