Governor of Maharashtra inaugurated the Women Innovation Startup Entrepreneurship (WISE) Incubation Center of Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s University at the University’s Juhu Campus in Mumbai. The event witnessed the convergence of dignitaries, academicians, and aspiring entrepreneurs, highlighting the collective enthusiasm for creating a conducive ecosystem for women-led innovation and business ventures. The newly inaugurated WISE Incubation Center is poised to become a hub for nurturing creativity, providing mentorship, and catalyzing the growth of women-led startups, thus contributing to the broader landscape of entrepreneurship in the region. The Governor addressed a seminar on ‘National Education Policy: Challenges, Remedies and the Way Forward’. The seminar was organized by SNDT Women’s University, Sanskriti, Shiksha Utthan Nyas and the Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal. This Notification was published on 01.02.2024.
Improvements in India’s Public Health
India’s National Health Mission (NHM) has made substantial strides in improving public health outcomes over the past three years, focusing on expanding healthcare human resources,