IFSCA (Listing) Regulations, 2024

The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) has established a robust set of listing regulations aimed at enhancing the integrity and attractiveness of India’s financial markets.

Confidentiality and ESG Disclosures

One of the standout features of the IFSCA regulations is the emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. In scenarios where confidentiality agreements limit the disclosure of specific project or asset details, information must be presented generically or as part of an aggregated portfolio. This approach ensures that while sensitive information remains protected, stakeholders still gain insights into the qualitative and, where feasible, quantitative ESG impacts. Additionally, issuers are mandated to disclose the methodologies and assumptions underpinning their ESG performance indicators, fostering greater transparency and accountability.

For sustainability-linked debt securities, the regulations are even more stringent. Issuers must provide up-to-date performance data on selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), details on the ambition levels of Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs), and an independent verification report. These disclosures enable investors to monitor the sustainability performance closely, ensuring that financial instruments are aligned with broader ESG goals.

Listing of Financial Products

IFSCA’s regulations extend beyond traditional securities to encompass a wide array of financial products. Funds, investment trusts, commercial papers, certificates of deposit, and other financial instruments can be listed on recognized stock exchanges, provided they adhere to the specified conditions set by the Authority. This inclusive approach broadens the investment landscape, offering diverse opportunities for both issuers and investors.

General Obligations and Compliance

The regulations underscore the importance of adherence to applicable accounting standards, ensuring that financial disclosures are accurate, timely, and reflective of the entity’s true performance. Listed entities must implement these standards diligently, conduct annual audits through independent auditors, and avoid any form of misrepresentation. Moreover, the regulations mandate the appointment of a qualified compliance officer responsible for ensuring conformity with all regulatory obligations and coordinating with relevant authorities.

Material Information and Corporate Governance

Timely disclosure of material or price-sensitive information is a cornerstone of IFSCA’s regulatory framework. Listed entities must promptly disclose any events or information that could significantly impact market perception or the entity’s valuation. This requirement not only promotes transparency but also helps maintain investor confidence by preventing information asymmetry.

Corporate governance is another critical area addressed by the regulations. Entities are required to describe their governance practices comprehensively in their annual reports, adhering to both local laws and IFSCA’s specific norms. This ensures that companies maintain high standards of accountability and ethical conduct, which are essential for sustainable growth and investor trust.

Sustainability Reporting and Shareholder Engagement

In line with global trends, IFSCA mandates the disclosure of sustainability reports for entities with a market capitalization exceeding USD 50 million. These reports must align with internationally recognized standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative or the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. Additionally, the regulations promote shareholder engagement by requiring remote e-voting facilities and the dissemination of voting results, thereby enhancing participatory governance.


IFSCA’s listing regulations represent a comprehensive framework designed to bolster the transparency, sustainability, and overall integrity of India’s financial markets. By mandating detailed disclosures, emphasizing ESG factors, and ensuring robust corporate governance, these regulations not only protect investor interests but also foster a more resilient and responsible financial ecosystem. For issuers looking to list and investors seeking reliable investment avenues, understanding and adhering to these regulations is paramount in navigating the complexities of the modern financial landscape.


IFSCA (Listing) Regulations, 2024

IFSCA’s listing regulations represent a comprehensive framework designed to bolster the transparency, sustainability, and overall integrity of India’s financial markets. By mandating detailed disclosures, emphasizing

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