Himachal Pradesh grants relaxation in working hour requirements for Factories

The Government of Himachal Pradesh on 6th May, 2021 has ordered that all the factories in the state registered under Factories Act, 1948 shall be exempted from the following provisions:

  1. Section 51 dealing with weekly hours;
  2. Section 54 dealing with Daily hours;
  3. Section 55 dealing with Intervals of rest and;
  4. Section 56 dealing with spreadover,

Subject to the following conditions :—

  1. No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory for more than
    twelve hours in any day and Seventy Two hours in any week.
  2. The periods of work of adult workers in a factory each day shall be so fixed that no
    period shall exceed six hours and that no worker shall work for more than six hours
    before he has had an interval for rest of at least half an hour.
  3. Wages in respect of increased working hours as a result of this exemption shall be in
    proportion to existing minimum wages fixed by Government of Himachal Pradesh
    under Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
  4. Provisions of Section 59 regarding overtime wages shall continue to be applicable
    without any change.

This notification shall be applicable for three months and it shall come into effect from the date of