Haryana Pollution Control Board Mandates Requirement for Adequate Pollution Control Devices

The Haryana Pollution Control Board, in conformity with the order issued by National Green Tribunal regarding preparation of an action plan to restore the water quality of rivers, has issued an order dated February 20, 2019, amending the policy of the Board regarding the grant of time to units found non-complying the standards for discharge of pollutants.

Previously, units who did not have adequate pollution control devices, were allowed to operate with the curtailment of production proportionate to the capacity of existing devices, but with this order, the Board has ordered that units which are closed by the Board due to the non-compliance of the prescribed standards for discharge of pollutants and due to the inadequacy of pollution control devices shall not be allowed to operate and also, shall not be given any time for modification or upgradation of devices with the curtailment of production proportionate to the capacity of existing devices.

The closure order against such units shall not be suspended until they devise a proper pollution control devices and modify or upgrade their existing devices to comply with the rules regarding the discharge of pollutants.

Click here to read the notification