Chief Minister of Gujarat distributed over ₹250 crore to 1.30 lakh women from 13 thousand self-help groups during the Nari Shakti Vandana program, part of Viksit Bharat-Viksit Gujarat. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech at the festival was broadcast statewide. Patel highlighted PM’s decade-long efforts for women’s welfare, citing schemes like Mudra loans for 30 crore mothers and Sukanya Samriddhi accounts for 3.12 crore daughters. He emphasized women’s increasing role in entrepreneurship and public life through initiatives like the Nari Shakti Vandana Act. Patel praised Modi’s foresight in establishing women-focused departments and empowering them across sectors. Gujarat’s budget prioritizes women’s empowerment, marking a 13% increase in allocations. The state aims for comprehensive development outlined in Viksit Gujarat 2047, focusing on women’s involvement. MP and Minister lauded government schemes benefiting women, promoting self-reliance and economic stability. Patel, along with other officials, presented assistance cheques during the program across Gujarat’s constituencies, showcasing the government’s commitment to women’s empowerment. This Notification was published on 06.03.2024.
Review meeting on the implementation of new criminal laws
Government review meeting on the implementation of new criminal laws has mandated that a review should be conducted to ensure the utilization of the provision