The Chief Minister of Gujarat distributed over ₹250 crore to 1.30 lakh women from 13,000 self-help groups during the Nari Shakti Vandana program under Viksit Bharat-Viksit Gujarat. The PM speech at the festival was broadcast in Gujarat. Mr.Patel highlighted PM efforts for women’s welfare, emphasizing development led by women. Notable schemes include Mudra loans for 30 crore mothers and Sukanya Samriddhi accounts for 3.12 crore daughters. Patel stressed Gujarat’s commitment to women’s empowerment through various initiatives, including Sakhi Mandals. The event showcased women’s achievements and government support. The Cabinet Minister praised the PM’s initiatives, while MP highlighted public welfare projects promoting women’s economic empowerment. This Notification was published on 07.03.2024.
Review meeting on the implementation of new criminal laws
Government review meeting on the implementation of new criminal laws has mandated that a review should be conducted to ensure the utilization of the provision