Guidelines for the certification of compliance for aquaculture inputs

The Coastal Aquaculture Authority has introduced comprehensive guidelines for the certification of compliance for aquaculture inputs. These guidelines, once published in the Official Gazette, will come into force to safeguard human health and promote sustainable aquaculture practices.

The guidelines outline stringent criteria for obtaining a certificate of compliance for aquaculture inputs. Firstly, inputs must be free from harmful substances specified by the Authority to protect human health. Additionally, they must adhere to quality standards set by the Authority. All coastal aquaculture inputs, excluding exempted ones, must possess a valid certificate.

Both Indian manufacturers and importers or distributors of overseas aquaculture inputs are required to obtain certification. However, it’s important to note that certificates are non-transferrable and valid for five years, renewable upon meeting specified criteria.

Labelling standards are another crucial aspect covered by the guidelines. Labels must provide comprehensive information on the composition, dosage, batch number, expiry date, and other essential details. Clear indications of usage recommendations, contraindications, storage conditions, and certification status are mandatory to ensure consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

The certification process involves the submission of detailed applications along with necessary documents. Manufacturers and importers must comply with documentation requirements within stipulated timelines. Failure to do so may result in application rejection and forfeiture of processing fees.

For aquaculture inputs manufactured in India, additional documentation such as company details, manufacturing facility information, and process certifications are necessary. Similarly, imported inputs require documents proving compliance with health standards in the country of origin.

Renewal of certification involves a similar process, with applications submitted well in advance of the expiry date. Any deficiencies in the application must be rectified promptly to avoid rejection.

To enforce compliance, inspection committees and task forces are established, comprising representatives from relevant authorities. Random inspections of manufacturing and storage facilities are conducted to ensure adherence to standards. Samples are collected and tested periodically, with strict penalties imposed for non-compliance.

The guidelines prioritize transparency and accountability in the aquaculture industry. By establishing rigorous certification processes and enforcement mechanisms, they aim to enhance consumer trust, safeguard public health, and promote sustainable practices.

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