Central Board Indirect Taxes & Customs, vide notification dated 04th May, 2023 has issued Guidelines for Special All-India Drive against fake registrations. In some cases, forged documents, such as forged electricity bills, property tax receipts, rent agreements, etc. are being used as proof of principal place of business to obtain GST registration. In one of such recent cases detected by Gujarat State Tax authorities, it has been found that a few fraudsters have obtained fake GST registrations on the basis of PAN and Aadhaar number of persons from economically weaker sections without their knowledge.
A Special All-India Drive may be launched by all Central and State Tax administrations during the period 16th May 2023 to 15th July 2023 to detect suspicious / fake GSTINs and to conduct requisite verification and further remedial action to weed out these fake billers from the GST eco-system and to safeguard Government revenue.