Guidelines for Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for specialty Steel

The Ministry of Steel vide notification dated October 20, 2021 has issued the guidelines for Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for specialty Steel to promote manufacturing of such steel grades within the country and help the Indian steel industry mature in terms of technology as well as move up the value ch

Incentive under PLI Scheme shall be provided for a maximum period of five (05) years. Company / Group companies registered in India under the Companies Act 2013, desirous of manufacturing identified specialty steel grades, shall be eligible to apply for incentive under the scheme. The company shall ensure end-to-end manufacturing of applied product sub-category domestically, where the input material is melted and poured within the country using iron ore/scrap/sponge iron/pellets, etc. Joint ventures are also eligible to participate in the scheme.