Guidelines for Financial Support for Recycling Waste In Coastal Areas

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has announced Guidelines for One-Time Financial Support for Establishing Recycling Plants & Machinery for Abandoned, Lost & Discarded Fishing Gears (ALDFGs) and High Littering Plastic Wastes in Coastal Areas”. These guidelines seek to facilitate and enhance control of pollution in coastal areas. These guidelines were published in September 2024.


Marine litter, predominantly plastic, poses a major threat to coastal ecosystems. Sources include plastic packaging, fishing gear, and other discarded materials.

ALDFG – lost or discarded fishing nets and equipment – entangle and harm marine life for years. The growing quantity of plastic waste, coupled with its slow degradation, necessitates immediate action.

The government will offer one-time financial support to project proponents for setting up recycling plants capable of handling:

  1. Abandoned, Lost & Discarded Fishing Gears (ALDFG)
  2. Plastic waste with high littering potential

These plants can be single-stream plastic, multi-stream plastic, or multi-plastics with nylon recycling capabilities.

Focus on Blue Flag Beaches

The initiative prioritizes enhancing and establishing plastic waste recycling facilities in India’s twelve Blue Flag certified beaches. These beaches meet stringent environmental standards and lack adequate waste management infrastructure, particularly for plastic and ALDFG.

Objectives of the Guidelines:

The guidelines aim to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Reduce plastic waste and ALDFG littering in Blue Flag beaches by establishing recycling facilities.
  2. Encourage a circular economy by promoting plastic recycling and reducing reliance on virgin plastic.

This initiative is expected to significantly reduce plastic pollution in coastal regions, protect marine life from ALDFG, and promote a more sustainable waste management system.