Govt. of Odisha Operational Guidelines for one-time settlement of arrear electricity duty and interest

The Government of Odisha has issued Operational Guidelines One Time Settlement (OTS) of arrear electricity duty and interest. This will be applicable to consumers who generate energy for their own use or consumption (Captive consumers). The guidelines were notified on 7th December 2022 and are effective from that date.

It may be recalled that the Government of Odisha had previously passed a resolution on One Time Settlement (OTS) of arrear electricity duty and interest in respect of consumers who generate energy for their own use or consumption (Captive Consumers). The resolution had been passed on 30th November, 2022 by the Department of Energy. The present guidelines are issued under the same resolution.

The guidelines provide for the following:

The detailed procedure for settlement of arrears through an application process along with prescribed forms to be furnished within the specified time-frames.

The revocation of the settlement order where the applicant has obtained benefits under this resolution by suppressing material information or particulars, or furnishing incorrect or false information or particulars.

Electricity duty and interest due shall be remitted to government treasury through e-payment and as proof of e-payment copy of e-challan shall be furnished.