Govt. Of Haryana Issues Latest Stamp Rule Amendments

The Government of Haryana issued new rules to amend the Punjab Stamp Rules Of 1934, on 9th July 2024. The new rule shall be called the Punjab Stamp (Haryana Amendment) Rules, 2024.

 Stamp Rules: Stamp rules govern how stamps, both physical and electronic (e-stamps), are sold and used. They are important because stamps are required for legal documents like agreements, deeds, and court papers to show that necessary fees have been paid.

The Amendments made and stated in the notification:

  1.  26 Amendment: This change affects who can sell stamps and the limits on their value:
    1. For court fee stamps: No one can sell a single stamp worth more than Rs. 20,000.
    1. For e-stamps: Similarly, no e-stamp can be sold for more than Rs. 20,000 in value. Stamp vendors are only allowed to sell e-stamps up to Rs. 100 in denomination.
  2. Rule 28: These amendments increase the maximum value of stamps that can be issued or sold:The previous limit of Rs. 10,000 has been raised to Rs. 20,000
  3.  Rule 33 Amendments: Duties of ex-officio vendors –
    1. The previous limit of Rs. 10,000 has been raised to Rs. 20,000. This means that for certain types of stamps and legal documents, the value of stamps required has been doubled.

 Why These Changes Matter:

These amendments are important because they update the rules to reflect current financial needs and make it easier for people to comply with stamp duty requirements in Haryana. By increasing the maximum values for stamps, the rules aim to streamline processes and ensure that legal transactions are conducted smoothly.


In conclusion, the recent amendments to the Punjab Stamp Rules in Haryana are aimed at modernizing the stamp duty system and making it more efficient. By increasing the limits on stamp values and clarifying rules for stamp vendors, the government hopes to facilitate smoother legal processes and transactions across the state.