Government Proposes Stronger Scrutiny for GMO Approvals

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has proposed amendments to the existing regulations governing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This move follows a Supreme Court judgement emphasizing the need for robust conflict-of-interest safeguards in GMO decision-making processes. This notification was published on December 31, 2024.

The Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Micro-Organisms/ Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells Rules, 1989, currently regulate GMOs in India. These rules ensure environmental and health protection during the development, use, and release of GMOs.

Supreme Court’s Direction

In a recent landmark judgment, the Supreme Court directed the government to strengthen conflict-of-interest regulations for experts involved in GMO approvals. This ensures decisions are based on scientific merit and not influenced by personal interests.

Proposed Amendments

The MoEFCC has proposed the following key amendments:

  • A formal definition of “conflict of interest” is introduced. This clarifies situations where an expert’s personal association might bias their decision on a GMO proposal.
  • A dedicated “Code on Conflict of Interest for Expert Members” is established. This code outlines specific responsibilities for experts participating in GMO approval processes.
  • Experts will be required to submit a declaration disclosing any potential conflicts of interest upon appointment. Additionally, they must disclose any conflicts arising during the review process.
  • A clear process is established for experts to recuse themselves from deliberations on specific agenda items where a conflict of interest exists.

Public Consultation

The draft amendments are open for public comment until March 1, 2025. This allows citizens and stakeholders to provide feedback on the proposed regulations. Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposal contained in the draft amendment notification may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh road, New Delhi – 110003, and may be sent to e-mail id: