The Government of Tamil Nadu has been taking various measures to protect the welfare of the migrant workers. The Govt. has issued a press release on its measures on 7th March, 2023.
An exclusive website has been designed for the registration of migrant workers in Tamil Nadu. Government of Tamil Nadu has distributed dry food packages to migrant labours during the pandemic lockdown directly to their residents.
Recently, a small unrest was created among the Interstate Migrant Workers as because of the circulation of fake videos of assault in social media. The Police Department has confirmed that it was the videos are fake ones. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has also assured that, “The Government of Tamil Nadu provides basic amenities to all the InterState Migrant workers who visit Tamil Nadu and ensures due privileges and protection under the Labour Protection Act to them.
The officials of the Labour department advised the Employers’ Association to ask the Interstate workmen not to believe the rumours taking round in social media in order to bring in confidence. Brief meetings were also conducted in this regard.
In order to ensure the safety of Inter State Migrant workmen working across the districts of Tamilnadu, the District Collectors, District Superintendents of police, the officials of labour department in association with the Department of Industrial Safety and Health have been holding briefings and providing assurances to the Interstate Migrant workmen to bring in more confidence among them.