The State Government of Tamil Nadu in its press release dated 29th June 2020 has extended the lockdown across the state by another month till 31st July 2020 with partial relaxations as part of Unlock 1.
Key highlights from the lockdown guidelines:
- Private vehicles will not require passes for movement within the state, the e-pass system for inter-state and inter-district movement will continue.
- On all the four Sundays in July, intense lockdown will be in force across Tamil Nadu and only health care services, including pharmacies and hospitals, will be functional.
- While restrictions for Chennai, Madurai and other nearby areas of these two cities would ease from July 6.
- All industries and private offices are permitted to operate with 100% employees.
IT/ITES are permitted to function with 100% strength with at least 20% to work from home. - All showrooms and large format shops (including jewelry and textile shops) except in shopping malls are permitted to operate with 50% staff strength without air conditioning.
- Hotels, vegetable shops, and grocery shops are allowed between 6 am and 8 pm
Click here to read the notification.