The Government of Tamil Nadu in its Notification dated 3rd October, 2019 has amended the Tamil Nadu Lifts and Escalators Rules, 1997 by bringing in clarity for certain terms and extended the period of validity of authorization for erection, maintenance and testing of lifts and escalators to 2 years.
Key Highlights of the Amendment:
- The Amendment substitutes the term “urban Local Body” with the term “Local Authority” and the definition of local authority shall include the body of Port Commissioners Municipal Corporation, Town Panchayat or Municipal Council and District Panchayat or any Panchayat Union Council or any Village Panchayat constituted under the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994.
- The Amendment has extended the period of validity of authorization for erection, maintenance, inspection and testing of lifts and escalators to 2 years
- The heading of the Form has been amended by replacing the word ‘Escalators’ with ‘Lifts’ thereby making it applicable to Lifts instead of Elevators.
Click here to read the Notification