The State Government of Tamil Nadu vide its notification dated 13th January 2021 has issued draft amendments on Tamil Nadu Maternity Benefit Rules, 1967.
The Amendment brings in a new rule 6-A which deals with the facility of crèche in every establishment having fifty or more employees and There shall be one Creche for every thirty children who are below the age of six years.
The Creche shall be conveniently accessible by the mothers of the children accommodated in the Creche, within a distance of five hundred metres from the main entrance of establishment and away from excessively noisy process, dust, fumes or odours.
Further the Creche shall be furnished with suitable furniture and cradles, toys, mats, beds, pillows, cotton sheet, utensils to feed, rubber sheet and mosquito nets and a suitable fenced and shady open air playground shall be provided for the older children with suitable playing materials such as sliders, see-saws, swings and toys.
The management shall maintain a register providing details of children attending the Crèche along with a register for complaints and it shall be regularly supervised at definite intervals by the employer or by the representatives of the employer.