Government of Meghalaya publishes Meghalaya Regulation of Gaming Rules, 2021.

The State Government of Meghalaya on 21st December 2021 has published the Meghalaya Regulation of Gaming Rules, 2021 which enables the “state excise department tap the revenue potential of online and physical gaming and regulate gaming in the state.

The rules requires gaming entities to obtain a license which shall be issued only to an Indian citizen or a legal entity incorporated in India. An operator is required to set up a office in Meghalaya within 30 days from the date of issue of license.

Further the applicant must have minimum 5 (Five) years of continuous experience of conducting games of skill and games of chance and should not have been blacklisted in any part of India for conducting games of skill and/or games of chance.

The Licensee shall be permitted to conduct the following:

 (a)To advertise on online and offline media and may display the fact that it has a license from the Government of Meghalaya for conducting Games of Skill and Games of Chance.

(b)The Licensee shall be permitted to offer the games for stake and earn a profit from the rake generated and from advertising and downloading.

 (c)The Licensee shall be permitted to offer its games for stake and profit on the state-wide intranet through the mediums of computer or mobile phones or television or radio etc.

 (d) Only those entities who have obtained license from the Government shall be allowed to advertise and conduct Games of Skill and Games of Chance within the territory of Meghalaya.

Further it shall be the responsibility of all Licensees under this rule to ensure that only players above the age of 18 are permitted to play games for stake either through the website/mobile app or at the physical premises and shall ensure that there is no violation of foreign exchange laws of India.


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