Government of Madhya Pradesh amends MP Upcharyagriha Tatha Rujopchar Sambhandhi Sthapanaye (Registrikaran Tatha Anugyapan) Rules, 1997.

The State Government of Madhya Pradesh vide its notification dated 13th October 2021 has amended the Madhya Pradesh Upcharyagriha Tatha Rujopchar Sambhandhi Sthapanaye (Registrikaran Tatha Anugyapan) Rules, 1997 which deals with grant of certificate of registration and license of nursing homes or clinical establishment.

The owner of clinical establishment shall submit an online application for grant of registration and license and the receipt of online application shall be acknowledged within 3 days of its receipts by the supervising authority or anyone duly authorised.The online certificate of registration/renewal of registration shall be in form B and license in form BB.

The owner of the nursing home or clinical establishment shall communicate to the supervising authority about any change in address or in the situation of the nursing home within 7 days after such change and shall also communicate about the change in medical, nursing or technical staff.