Government of Haryana notifies Employment Generation Subsidy Scheme.

The Government of Haryana on 3rd November 2022, has notified the Employment Generation Subsidy Scheme which shall be applicable to Electric Vehicle manufacturing units located only in B, C and D category blocks in the state.

The objective of the scheme is capacity building of persons belonging to Haryana (skilled/semi-skilled/ un-skilled) [having Haryana Resident Certificate] and to generate employment opportunities in the State in automotive manufacturing sector for supporting Electric Vehicle manufacturing and adoption within the state. The Employment Generation Subsidy scheme for manufacturing Electric Vehicles (BEV/FCEV), major components of EVs, batteries for EVs, manufacturer of charging infrastructure shall incentivize the workers.

The scheme shall commence with effect from 10.07.2022 and shall remain in operation till for a period of 5 years or till the time Government decides to discontinue this scheme, whichever is earlier.

 The enterprise shall submit its claim, complete in all respects, within three months from the date of closing of the financial year (post start of commercial production) . In case the unit does notapply within 03 months then its entitlement for the subsidy will be forfeited.

The Manufacture of electric vehicles shall comply with the following conditions:

  • The unit shall be eligible for subsidy only in respect of direct employment on pay roll or contract who have ESI/PF number.
  • The unit should not have been placed in the restrictive list as notified by the State government from time to time.
  • The unit should have obtained NOC/CLU from competent Authority if applicable.
  • The unit should be in commercial production at the time of disbursement and the subsidy shall not be released to the closed unit.
  • Units shall mandatorily employ at-least 75% of Haryana Domicile workforce or as stated by Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020 amended from time to time.
  • Large and Mega units shall compulsorily establish a battery disposal/recycling/material recovery facility at their proposed plant for claiming any incentive under this policy.