The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi vide its notification dated 19th March 2021 has decided to renew all existing L-28/L-28F and L-29/L-29F for a period of 3 months from 01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021 on payment of proportionate license fee ON OR BEFORE 28.03.2021 for the said period of 3 months subject to the following conditions:
All the licensees of L-28/L-28F and L-29/L-29F, are hereby directed to submit their application for renewal of license online by accessing their account in ESCIMS portal through their I.D. and password along with the applicable license renewal fee for the period of 3 months by providing the requisite information and payment of renewal license fee on or before 28.03.2021.
After due submission of application, the Licencee should accept the declaration as per enclosed Performa.