The Government of Dadra & Nagar on 28th October 2022, has directed all the factories and establishments including contractors to ensure that they pay bonus to their eligible workers in accordance with the provisions of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 taking into productivity considerations so that congenial industrial environment could be created leading overall economic development of the region.
It has been noticed that some industrial establishments/ contractors in Dadra & Nagar Haveli are still not paying bonus to the workers thereby depriving the workers from their legitimate right. The complaints are often received that the workers are paid bonus less than they are statutorily entitled to get. The act of employers paying less bonus or not paying bonus amounts to blatant violation of the provisions of the payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the employers are liable for action.
It is reiterated that the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 is in force in Dadra & Nagar Haveli which is applicable to all employees, irrespective of status, drawing a salary or wages not exceeding Rs.21, 000/- per month. For the purpose of this Act, salary and wages will include the basic wages and dearness allowance.
ln the case of new establishments, the employees are entitled to bonus from the accounting year in which the employer makes profit or from the 6th accounting year following the accounting year in which production of services starts. Subject to the above conditions, every factory and establishments employing 20 or more persons on any day in its accounting year is covered by this Act. Bonus is payable within 08 months from the close of accounting year of factory or establishments.
Further the employers shall also submit Annual Return in Form ‘D’ under payment of Bonus Rules, 1975 immediately after making payments of bonus.