The Government of Chandigarh on 20th September 2022, approved the Electric Vehicle Policy 2022, framed to build UT Chandigarh as a Model EV city by achieving one of the highest penetration of zero emission vehicles amongst all Indian cities by the end of the policy period.
All vehicles with advanced batteries (both fixed and swappable) having passed all the eligibility and testing conditions as specified under Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME-II) scheme AND purchased & registered in Chandigarh shall be eligible for incentives. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) shall mean an element in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure that supplies electric energy for recharging the battery of Electric Vehicles. EVSE shall be type tested by an agency/lab accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)/ Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) from time to time.
The policy shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of notification with a detailed review to be undertaken annually or as required. The incentives shall be extended only for the policy period unless otherwise stated/notified.
The policy lays out various financial, non-financial incentives and initiatives which would support adoption of Electric Vehicles, establishment of a wide network of Charging stations, Entrepreneurship development and roll out of training programmes for skilled manpower to support the Electric Vehicle ecosystem.
Road Tax and registration fees shall be waived for all eligible vehicles registered during the period of this policy. All electric vehicles registered in Chandigarh shall be issued a green number plate. Disbursement of incentives will start after notification of the policy with immediate effect through offline mode for the period of initial two months after the launch of the policy, after which only online mode applications will be submitted on the web portal as per the operational guidelines to be notified subsequently.